And for something a bit different... here is tonights luna rosa eclipse of the moon, this is taken a few minutes ago. My camera held up by a cat tower and a salman rusdie book as my tripod wasn't available.
This is my latest show, opening on the 1st of September in a great gallery in Palmerston North. I will be there for the opening night (which is a Saturday), as will Andy and David. This show has some great work to fill the void for those who crave both aesthetics and concept. I have two of the largest pieces I have ever created in my part of this show which is titled 'when the thousand years are over' an excerpt from a book, big points to those who guess which book.
The word Photography or photographer has an interesting knee jerk reaction to it by most people. It leads people to think of many things, all it seems excpept what I (and other artists using it as their media) actualy use it for. I find this very frustrating.
Along those lines, here is a self portrait, that I think looks almost nothing like me whatsoever.
Carrying on with my graveyard maker theme, here is a slightly different one. Yet again, it filled me with graveyard guilt as I tried to photograph it. I'm not too sure why that is, but I always feel bad about photographing a gravestone. Perhaps it is some kind of lack of ownership over it that makes me feel like a trespasser there. Alternatively, it could be some kind unspoken rule about forbidden territory.