I am in a new house (third move in as many months) and we have finally got the Internet up and running. Although it is rather slow, not much faster than dial up really, so posting images will be interesting, but none the less, will be done. This weekend I go up to Auckland for the first of the tutorials for my MFA. It is quite exciting, I am looking forward to being in an education and critiquing environment once more. I await the sleepless nights. And also on that note, I am pregnant, so yet another reason for sleepless nights. I won't bore you with the details though, but I'm sure I won't be able to resist self portraits of a growing belly.
My new work is looking at culture, symbolism and self identity especially in a NZ context. Below is one of my colour pairings that I am playing around with. Hopefully there will be many more posts in the near future, now that I have no excuse anymore, so do drop in regularly! Feedback is welcome!