I'm off to Melbourne this weekend for two weeks of lectures for my MFA. We are also and at the same time, moving house, again. I've attached some completely unrelated words and an image. The image I took, and will likely never be used for anything, but I do like it anyway. The words, are by my all time favorite band - Lamb- , both for their music and their lyrics. These words are, I am assuming, about being pregnant. They are perfect.

this was a body
now it's a home
for you my little alien
i feel you moving
it's oh so strange
do you like the music?
and i'm a happy home
what's it like in there?
yeah i'm a happy home
i hope it's cosy in there
if home's where the heart is
that's where you are
my heart is right there
so long i've waited
to be quite so occupied
mysterious being by you