Thursday, March 1


While browsing some galleries websites the other day I came accross a quote on the Odipus Rex Galleries website - It is a statment that sums up how I see art, reading such things always put a smile on my face.

"Collecting art is more than putting something on your wall and waiting for it to increase in value. Artworks are about cultural learning and human achievement. They are tools for leading a deeper, more significant life."

Holly Solomon, influential art dealer, collector and early champion of cutting edge contemporary art.
(1934 - 2002) New York, 1990.

I have at times, from people, heard many interesting comments, mostly about art that perhaps makes them feel uncomfortable, or at least is something makes them feel that they wouldn't want it on their wall, not because it is not aestheticaly beautiful, but because of the potentialy contentious subject matter. I enjoy how this quote refers to art being about cultural learning and about leading a deeper life. Can we lead this kind of life without putting ourselves somewhere that is at times uncomfortable? I believe not, I believe growth comes from looking outside of our own understanding, accepting that other peoples truths are equally a truth as our own. I believe that art is something that can explore these concepts in a way that nothing else can. And our role as the veiwer of the art is to interpret it, contemplate it and attempt some sort of realation to it. (Of course this isn't always possible for a number of reasons, personal or otherwise, but I see so often people not taking the time to look at art as any thing other that a 2dimensional picture.) And of course the role of the artist is to explore these ideals through their chosen art form.

Anyway, these are my thoughts... and here is an image out of my recent explorings of abstract colour Aotearoa landscape.

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