Time is flying, as usual. Here is a self portrait taken a few weeks ago, at about 19 weeks pregnant. It's quite a lot different than a lot of the other self portraits that I have been working on recently! I'm off to get one printed quite large now, it's a tad weird, just the way I like it. I'm going to be installing it for a group critique this weekend in Auckland as part of my MFA. It'll be very interesting to hear their interpretations of it. I'll be taking a photo of it while it is on the wall, and will post it here too.
While I'm writting, I'll put a little pip in for one of the latest blogs that is dealing with art photography in a NZ context - photography matters
I dont know what to say. I like your work but, but, but. I dont know it is very challenging. You are an artist. Ok, continue!
Hi Tomislav,
Thank you for your comment, I struggle to understand it though. Do you mean that you don't find my portraits challenging? That is fair enough, as I haven't actually posted any on here that I would consider to be challenging! Perhaps apart from a couple some time ago 'the devil you know' and perhaps 'tumult' as well.
I did not understand as well what I wanted actually to say. But here it is. To take the self-portrait in that way when you are pregnant is provocative work, work like work and the result i. e. picture.
I am non Engl speaker. Th
it is provocative. largely because it is a pregnant self-portrait. i don't think i've seen any pregnant self-portraits before. it's not the most beautiful image i've seen - you look rather awkward and uncomfortable, but the fact that you have decided to self-record your pregnancy is great.
and it certainly makes a change from all those tasteful, moodily lit, black and white studio portraits of pregnant women.
Jodi I find this image to be beautiful and very strong. As mentioned by microphen, it's a nice change from the cliche pregnant woman image, but it's more than that. The awkwardness and the angle at which you're holding the camera makes it seem as if it was taken whilst in the middle of something else.... business as usual ... while taking a moment out for reflection (no pun intended).
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