Thursday, April 2

great-grandmother, granddaughter, and great-grandson


microphen said...

if i may ...

and of course i may cos that's why you allow comments ...

that baby thing in the middle is really distracting and constantly pulls the eye away from the rest of the image.

try swapping them round so baby's on the outside.

it works for me. kinda.

jodi Ruth keet said...

I think that I disagree with you. I did have it the other way round to start, then swapped it. I quite enjoy the humor of the cyclops child in the center.

microphen said...

so you only think you disagree with me. be firm in your commitment.

i agree there is some humour, but still i find my attention is drawn to cyclops. and i'm assuming that cyclops isn't the reason you made the work.

jodi Ruth keet said...

Well, I shall re phrase, I thought about it and I disagree with you. I may well be convinced otherwise if I get a resounding opinion of dislike from numerous sources, but until that time, I like it.

You make it sound that just because cyclops baby wasn't the reason the photograph was taken means that he can't become a important part of the photograph. I like taking on little moments of surprise when they catch me in my work. They often add a new level that didn't exist other wise.

a camera in the world said...

I am really starting to like these, the concept, idea is starting to mature.

As to the "cyclops baby" I find it a little distracting as well .... but, shit, I aint the artist.