Tuesday, October 2

collectors special evening show

NZCP and Photospace had a special opening at Shed 11, for a special show. The Shed 11 Collectors' Evening.

artists included were the likes of - Peter Peryer, Ans Westra, Peter Black, Anne Noble, Max Oettli, Robin Morrison, Andrew Ross, Andy Palmer, David Boyce and... me!


microphen said...

thanks for stealing my photo and my text and not giving me credit lady.

i should get my lawyers to sue your arse. maybe for one of the works in that photo.

Anonymous said...

well according to your blog the pics were donated out of your collection, so I thought in return for that, I would be able to steal your pics and words. but hey, I'm nice so I'll give you some credit aye... thanks mr microphen!

microphen said...

well i don't see those pics in your collection, so you hardly kindly donated them did you. the fact that you, like most people, didn't actually know about it until after the event just adds fuel to my fire.


Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, I knew about the exhibition, just not who's work (I.E mine) was in it.