Friday, October 26

dream home

"As I progressed further with my project, it became obvious that it was really unimportant where I chose to photograph. The particular place simply provided an excuse to produce work... you can only see what you are ready to see - what mirrors your mind at that particular time.

-George Tice

Not too long ago I finished reading a book that I had been meaning to read for some time - Susan Sontags on Photography. Overall, it can be summed up to be a very good book on photography, written even though in the late 1970s it still pertains to today equally well. There were certain parts that I thought were overly verbose, and others that I thought were just plain opinion and not correct (according to my opinion anyway). But mostly, it had some good ideas and points, most ideas I had heard of or considered before, yet still really good to see it all worked through in words on paper. I will have to read it again, as it contains a lot of theory that can really only be absorbed upon repetition. The above quote is out of the book, and is one that I quite enjoy.

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