Tuesday, December 18

Merry Christmas from Tarnaki

Merry Christmas! The above image is one I couldn't bring myself to not post. It has bifold meaning. I'm not sure if any one will get the second suggestion, however the first is very simple. These Keraru, are very rarely seen, execpt for in New Plymouth it seems. I have seen more in the week I have lived here than in my whole life. Pukarua Park seems to be the reason for this, an amazing park full of native trees and birds. This time of year it is even more spectacular in the evenings with the festival of lights on. Anyway, it's a great pleasure to see so many of them. I hope you all will have a fantastic festive season and I'll leave you with these words.

this view
is lower than
the stars
grab at the dusty
close it in this
i can
bells from here singing of
life and death or could it be both
are they not the


microphen said...

man why do you do this to me, to yourself.

i'm not even going to say anything.

just give you this:

but that's why you said it's "one I couldn't bring myself to not post" eh?!

cos you knew.

and you knew i knew.

and you knew cos i knew i'd comment about it.

well here you go!!!

so when are you inviting yourself to peter's for afternoon tea?

Anonymous said...

That's right, I took the photo because of I knew it was 'his' and because I knew you'd go on like you do and it's fun to do that.

microphen said...

well just so long as you know. and you know that i know. thats all that matters.

a camera in the world said...

it's not imitation, it's "homage"

where would I be without image appropriation .......