Wednesday, March 25

mother and son

a notion of transmutation of relationship and culture in New Zealand

This is perhaps a more apt description of what it is I am looking at in my current work... I'm yet to nut it out completely, I'm getting there though, slowly.

Here is an image titled mother and son, it's of my son and I

Here is the image I took also titled mother and son. I made this image first, and felt that there was something else that I could gain by repeating and changing the image. The new one above is much different than this earlier version, and I don't know if much can be gained by directly comparing them, but here they are anyway.


microphen said...

i really like the doubles - even if it is a bit ann shelton. still haven't worked out if they are exact mirrors or not. they don't seem to be. but i can't work out what the difference is. its a mindf***.

where's the transmutation of culture? everything i've seen seems to be about relationships not culture.

jodi Ruth keet said...

they may be a little shelton I suppose, but that hadn't been intended.
Yes I like how your mind thinks they look different, so you look for the differences... and you look and you look... are they different?!?

Yes yes yes the culture is on it's way

I have brilliant and mind blowing ideas developing as we speak