Thursday, June 7

on the wall

Here are a couple of pics of my work from the group show at Aveia Gallery in Auckland. Don't forget the show is on till the 16th of June.

On a completely different note, we are often referred to as the Raglan Zoo, or RSPCA, or basically the place that stray animals come to when in need, some kind of secret message that animals send each other has gone out I think. In the space of two years we have helped 5 cats, 1 kitten, 1 rat, 7 ducks, 1 budgie all lost, stay or injured in some way. We now have a giant northern Petrel in our front porch sleeping after a nice feed of fish, warmed by the fire and scaring our cats as it is twice their size. It's making quite a mess as what goes in must come out I suppose. There is some very rough weather out now and it has an injured wing. I'm babysitting it till DOC can come and pick it up tomorrow. I'll try and make some images of it before then, and post some of them here.

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